Listing Your NFTs on Minted Vodka

Listing an NFT on the market

Listing on Minted Vodka is made easy and be done with only a few clicks of a button. They have a few different deal types to chose from when listing so make sure you chose the right one for you!

Deal Types

Be sure to read about what each deal type has to offer. What is most popular is the flexible deal which allows you to list your nft for a token or nft of your choice. You can also request and NFT for you NFT or multiple for multiple. Be sure to play around and see what deal types work best for you.

Creating A Deal

  1. Head to the market page by clicking on the "Market" tab in the main navigation.

  2. Find and click "New Deal".

  3. In the Deal workbench pop up select the network you want the deal to be on (Telos).

  4. Select a deal type. (We chose flexible for this example)

Once you've confirmed everything on the deal workbench you'll be brought here.

  1. In the bid section select a coin or an NFT that you'd wish to offer or list.

You can do that by selecting "add coin" or "NFT wallet" to select an NFT in your wallet to list. For this example we will list and NFT so "NFT wallet" is the proper choice.

  1. Once you find the NFT you'd like to list select it by clicking it.

  2. Next press "Add to deal".

  1. Now in the "Ask" section select the token or NFT you want to recieve in return for the NFT listed. ( We selected 100 telos.)

  1. Add a deal name or deal description if you'd like to. This helps collectors get a better idea of what they're purchasing or trading for.

  2. Once your deal is set up, press submit!

  3. In the pop up verify that the assets are correct.

  1. Authorize the token via your wallet.

  2. Create the deal!

If all these steps were followed then your deal should show up on the Marketplace! 🎉

Last updated